



[The importance of Chan]

Besides pursuing money, there is something more important in our life---to witness the eternal spiritual life. Compare to money, the value of spiritual life is limitless. If you FIX your goal on pursuing limitless spiritual vaule, Wealth, Happiness, or anything you want to purchase in present life may come to you naturallly.

For the past year, whether you gain something or lose something, just let it go.

During the life journey, we are just like actors playing our roles on earth.
What kind of costume we wear, what kind of role we play, and make an excellent performance!

When the drama ends, whether you were playing the role of a president or a bagger, We are all the same after we take off our costume, as ordinary as we are.

We are all the same, no comparsion, no discrimination, nothing gain and nothing lose, and this kind of Normal Heart (平凡心) is Chan.

~from Shifu:[letter to disciples ]

原文: 信義禪修會館
翻譯: Chan Meditation-Taiwan
Original: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=340736682712214&set=a.340736679378881.1073741826.337496559702893&type=1&theater
